Blood Tranfusion Reactions
Catherisation procedure
Disinfection and Sterilization
flatus tube insertion
Gallstone disease
Prevention of Surgical site infections
Resistant to antibiotics
Hand Hygiene
Ryles tube insertion
Single incision Laproscopic cholecystectomy
Single trocer STILS appendectomy
Single trocer STILS hysterectomy
Bio safety guidlines
Role of Paramedics
Prevention of surgical siteinfections in the operation theatre

1) To prevent the cross infection wash your hands clean. Then collect all the articles.
2) To provide privacy, put the curtains around the bed.
3) Take all the articles to the right side of the patient.
4) Arrange them in such a manner, that it will comfortable for the patient and handy to work. It will save the time and energy.
5) Explain the procedure to the patient and relatives to.gain their co-operation.
6) Place small mackintosh under the elbow joint.
7) Ask him to close his fist arid tie the tourniquet to the upper arm.
8) Taking aspetic precautions take the medicine in the syringe. Attach 20 number needle with the help of dissecting forceps. Remove the air from the syringe by holding the syringe with needle in vertical position to avoide the complications like air embolism.
9) Clean the skin with the help of spirit swab.
10) Observe the distended vein and insert the needle holding it at 20° angle to the skin lateral to the vein.
11) Once the needle enters the skin lower the angle of the needle and make it parallel to the skin follow the vein and pierce the side of the vein.
12) Then you see the blood in the syringe it ensures that the needle is in the vein.
13) Ask the patient to open the fist. Remove the tourniquet.
14) Push the medicine slowly.
15) After finishing the medicine put a swab on the point and remove the needle quickly but gently.
16) Hold the swab by giving pressure on it for a time. So that blood will not come out.
17) Record the date, time, name of the medicine, quantity and the method used on the case paper. Then turn to take care of the used articles.